Tuesday, December 15, 2009
so kalau org tanya lagi.."kat sini brapa?"
maka terpaksa lah aku jawab "DUA HEBUU HENGGETTT"
dan as expected org akan cakap "uihhhh mahalnyer..."
ye la mmg la mahal...
bih tu ko beli henbeg LV la coach la haper la tak mahal????
ader aku komen nko bazir2 duit?
i normally would say balik "mmg aaa... tapi aku tak yah kuar duit beli susu langsung..2 tahun tuhhh.. cuba kira.. sebulan katerla RM200 (kurang2 tuh). sila darab dgn 24 bulan..."
tak ke balik modal dah tuh..
kalau nyusu *ehem* tak sampai 2 tahun *ehem* (aku ler tu) pun dah balik jugak modal..
well anyway.. byk lagi pump yang elok and affordable. ada ofismate mr p, nyusu for 2 yrs, pakai avent manual jer pun...costs only RM219.90 tau..
nak dgn tak nak jer...
hari tu susu aku kurang giler2 sampai tinggal 2 botol
pas tu aku pump giler2 sampai dpt 8 botol! wootttt!!!
pas tu...
pas tu..
pas tu....
aku demam..
aku sakit...
aku pegi team building..
maka susu aku pun tinggal SEBOTOL jer... muakakakak..
ada aku tensi?
aku dah beli setin pediasure...
aku dah saiko sofeya berulang2..
"nanti2 susu mama habis.. minum pediasure k?"
nko tanak minum... nasibb...tak der choice dah skang...
kang lapau2.. minum jugak kan?
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
i was about to quit but she wudnt let me...
instead of struggling to maintain the milk supply, aku dok struggling to introduce formula milk to my sofeya.
lucky me, she's a smart girl.. mmg dia tak nak langsung FM.
pasal, kalau dia telan jer FM, and kalau ikut semangat aku yang dah almost pupus.. mmg bye bye la BF!
sorry ya baby? made your life miserable for few days..
so my milk stock now dah increased to 5 bottles (from 2!). can now tarik nafas lega sikit... sikit jer okeh? blum sampai tahap selesa.. but i guess buleh la kot kalau mama nak pegi buat treatment rambut sabtu ni? hehe..
so here's the thing..
aku used to and still support breastfeeding. i do believe that breastmilk is the best for the baby up to 2 y.o. but, it is up to us individually whether kita sanggup ke tak nak go thru the journey.
-there are mothers yang lebih extreme (hope i used the right word), yang mmg exclusive bfeed (without solid) sampai anak 2 tahun
-there are mothers yang bfeed only without FM sampai anak 2 tahun, but introduced solid food.
-there are mothers yang bfeed sampai anak umo setahun or lebih
-there are mothers yang bfeed sampai anak umo 6 bulan.
-there are mothers yang bfeed night time only...
whichever category that we belong to, whether it is our own choice ke or sebab we have to, i believe none is better than the others...
sebabnyer, as i have mentioned many many times.. working mothers especially kalau nak betul2 bfeed, mmg kena banyak sabar and tabah.
stressful okeh?
kalau hangpa choose to bfeed sampai umo 2 tahun tapi lepas tu stress tak tentu pasal, and end up sakit jiwa and be such an irritating person, then baik toksah! yes breastfeeding is good but kalau you turn out to be a horrible mother.. then kasik jer la FM kat baby so that the rest of the family can have some peace of mind :)
errrm... this is purely my opinion okeh? para penyokong kuat susu ibu sila jangan marah..
thing is you yourself have to weigh the pros and cons.. of course you have to try first.. experience it.. bukan semua susah.. ada yang sonok jer aku tgk mcm cik farah kiter, all the way sampai anak sulung dia (adam) umo 3 tahun eh? ke 2.5 tahun? susu maintain jer... alhamdulillah lah kan rezeki Allah bagi?
so in my case.. honestly.. aku nak jugak introduce FM kat sikecik ni.. bukan pasal aku nak giveup.. no.. but i think this little fella is quite..hmmm.. challenging.. so i foresee the task of weaning her off nanti will be really stressful... so might as well start early.. start sikit2...
another reason.. maid aku nak balik next year.. and u know.. nak handle EBM ni bukan keje senang.. aku tak koser nak train maid baru handle EBM ni.. so current maid agreed to keje sampai sofeya 2 y.o, and by then i hope sofeya can accept FM oredi..
aku tak nak stress2 dah!!
Monday, November 30, 2009
dokter kata...
untuk cerita selanjutnya sila baca kat sini.
bersempena dah jumpa Dr Khairul, aku pun tanya lah dia "camner budak ni dokter, dia tanak minum formula milk"
lalu dokter pun berkata "then that's tough... mmg susah kalau mcm tu."
adehhh... sungguh ler jawapan yang tidak memberangsangkan..
dokter kata.. top up dgn makan ler byk2. kalau dah dia tak nak sgt nak buat mcm mana. he said "she's a clever girl kan.. mmg tak nak minum susu lain"
mmg ler clever sgt.. clever nak suruh aku pump and pump jugak susu supaya aku maintain kurus muakakaka.
anyway since mulut dia penuh ulcer skang.. dia agak kurang nyusu. sampaikan pagi tadi nenen aku bengkak.. dpt ler aku pump 4 oz :)
so i tot to myself.. ada la hikmah.. time2 cenggini dpt la aku kompol stok susu kan?
tadi thari aku tepon, maid aku cakap dah habis 2 botol ni.. nak ambik tak susu beku?
bih tu..takkan nak bior anak aku kebulur kan?
ambik ler...
dah ler.. aku nak pump..
doakan kejayaan aku.. ewah.. cam nak ambik exam la plak..muahahha
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
My status update
so far :
- frozen stok increase to 3 bottles! (yeahaaa!!)
- sofeya still refuse to take FM. dah try isomil, mamil gold and enfagrow. dah try in cup, normal bottle (MLO bottle) and avent bottle. semua TAK MO.
- now she drinks on avg 9 oz (3 x 3oz).
- malam dia belasah gayut habis2an hingga ke titisan terakhir!
sgt comel and pandai. sib baik cakap "NO" jer.. buatnya dia cakap "No thank you.." mmg aku instantly jadik penyokong kuat susu ibu, tak kasik dah baby lain minum FM suruh minum susu badan jer sbb jadik pandai sgt! :P
maid said mebbe tunggu a while klu nak introduce FM balik.. pasal the last time, sofeya cam trauma.. sampai EBM pun dia tanak minum.. gitu la plak...
so skang ni nak tak nak mmg aku postpone buat segala benda yg requires me to leave her (except work lah). nak pegi buat rambut aku pun dah berminggu2 aku postpone!
but bila balqis minum milo dia sibuk nak berebut! hmm.. maybe i can introduce FM yg perisa coklat eh? tapinyer takut dia berak keras pulak.. hmmm...
suddenly blog ni dah tak mcm BF punya blog eh? hehheheheh
Monday, November 16, 2009
Calling for HELP
and now i am desperately calling for all the help i need.
been struggling in keeping up with the daily EBM intake for sofeya. i have only TWO frozen stock (4 oz each) left.
last week met her paed and he suggested to give her isomil (soya based FM) since budak ni inherit asthma from her parents. but dr khairul said other types of FM also can, but good one lah.. (expensive ones!). so he gave isomil and dumex mamil gold sample to try.
saturday nite aku dgn Mr P pergi wedding, left sofeya at home so I asked maid to give her isomil. as expected, the little girl TAK MO.
i tot maybe time tak kena.. coz mlm2 she normally nak nenen direct.
so yesterday (monday) i asked maid to try again.
semlm balik keje, maid report. "kasihannya budak niiiiii..... menangis2 tak nak susu botol. tolak2 dgn tangan.. keluar air mata berjurai2.. saya pun nangis tgk nya.. saya bagi susu mama (EBM), terus habis 2 botol"
aku mental block.
bukan aku tak nak kasik EBM lagik, but im just preparing for worst case. utk sehari dua ni Insya Allah cukup lagi bekalan.. after that??
aku pump gila2 now. like pagi tadi aku pump at 2 am. guess baper byk aku dapek????
1.5 oz
for 15 mins okeh.
lepas tu kuar angin jer.
hati pun sakit. tetek aku pun sakit. sighhhhhhhh
am gonna try to give her dumex mamil plak esok. tgk cemaner. kalau dia reject jugak, then aku mmg betul2 buntu.
yes of course meanwhile aku terus jugak pump..
tolong la!!!!!!!!!
Friday, November 6, 2009
my frozen stok dah tinggal less than 15 bottles.
yet my daily pumping tak menghasilkan enough supply for the daily intake.
thus now, daily mmg harus ambik frozen stock.
on this rate, in less that 2 weeks, i will have to start introduce formula milk to sofeya.
best thing yet, i am not doing anything to remedy the situation.
all the stuff i have been merapu in this blog, haram satu aku tak buat.
makin kurang ader la aku pump kat ofis.
dari 3, pas tu 2. hari ni sekali jer aku pump.
dunno wats happening to me.
cant believe the day is finally coming, the day i dread the most. the day that i have to introduce formula milk to sofeya.
selama ni aku ingat aku kuat. aku buleh buat... at least till she is 2 y.o.
she is only 16 mths. lama lagi.
yg best, even tho pump sekali... ingat kot dpt ler byk sbb rasa mcm dah bengkak giler. alih2 4 oz jer... hek elehhh.. kot2 8-9 oz ke semangat la jugak aku nak pump lagi...
salahkan susu la plak... lempang diri sendiri kang.
tah la
emo sgt2 unstable.
kepala otak lagi la berterabur
hidup sgt tak de arah.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
What lies beneath
Ambik nko soklan bertubi2.
Memula i thought my stock berkurang because aku dok ambik sikit2 and tak ganti balik stock.
Then i thought deeper, and here is the answer that i wanna share.
Like i said in previous post, breastfeeding memerlukan semangat and also willpower yang kuat. Bukan takat nak start and also master in it, but most importantly to sustain in this field.
I dunno about other mommies, but i have my ups and downs. Not in terms of milk supply, but my semangat and willpower.
The truth is people, sometimes i feel tired. I never tot i would say this openly but i guess i need to let it out. Plus, aku bukan nak menakutkan korang or discourage or demotivate korang to breastfeed. No.. not in a million years. Cuma i think you need to know the whole truth, yg elok ke, yang tak elok ke, so that you can prepare yourself emotionally and mentally.
Memang memenatkan. And sometimes uncomfortable, and sometimes menyakitkan.
Dulu aku pump MINIMUM 5 kali sehari.
7.30 am, 10.30 am, 1.30pm, 4.30pm and 8.30pm.
There are times yang aku bangun tgh2 mlm nak pump pasal sofeya tidur lena tak bangun nyusu.
Then as she grows up, she nurses more frequently especially tgh2 mlm. Her perangai berubah, bukan takat nak nyusu, but she also wants to bergayut mlm. So i cut down the midnite pumping session.
Then she grows up lagi, and tidur lewat sket mlm. I find it impossible to pump at 8.30pm coz time tu la dia nak main, nak nenen etc. So i cut down that pump session.
Then makin dia besar, dah makan solid, demand for susu pun not as much. So, beralasankan itu, plus aku sendiri kepenatan terkejar2 pagi2 nak siap itu ini, i cut down pulak 7.30am punya session.
Now, tinggal 3 pumping session yg aku masih buat kat ofis.
And sometimes i force myself to pump.
Terukkan aku?
So yeah.. my susu berkurang sebab sikap aku sendiri.
I'm not complaining, coz i know, susah payah, usaha aku ni tak sia2. I get the benefit, anak2 aku pun sihat, plus, setiap titik susu tu kan Allah berikan pahala?
Byk cara nak remedy the situation sebenarnya... like..
- remind yourself of the benefits
- talk to rakan seperjuangan
- read abt it.. masukla susuibu.com.. baca forum, mesti semangat balik.
Farah.. tolongla ketuk kepala aku kasik sedar sikit!
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Introducing EBM
If you are new to breastfeeding, and working mother like me, you probably do not know that it is important to strategize the way, i.e. when and how to introduce EBM in bottle.
Well... to some people lah i guess. Coz ada jugak mothers yang tak de problem langsung nak introduce bottle to the baby.
Generally, we should direct feed the baby for as long as 2 to 4 weeks before we start pumping. Reason being sbb kita nak establish the milk supply properly. Deman-Supply rule. Meaning, in the duration, baby only being fed direct from the breast, no bottle. So bila nak balik keje, some baby yg fussy will start to refuse being fed from the bottle.
Maka masa tu la kelam kabut cari alternative.. ada bagi EBM pakai sudu, syringe, cup, etc.
So how la to avoid the situation. Well this was how i did it lah.. may or may not work for u..
I started pumping on day-9. (yeah i know aku sendiri tak follow the general rule). But I did not gave the baby EBM thru bottle yet, I store them all.
The first month, aku mmg fully direct feed.
Day 31, I started introducing EBM. Once a day. I started with 2 oz.
Mula2, mmg sofeya reject. Buat muka blur2.. jeluek2 lidah. Few times tried, tak mo. Masa tu I used Avent bottle and teat.
So I changed to NUK teat. OK. Dia accept.
Then day 32, I gave her 2 bottles of EBM. First one OK, second feeding session dia buat perangai. So we thought maybe too rushing. So for the next couple of days we stick to one EBM per day.
Then slowly we increased number of EBM. From 1, to 2, to 3..then sampai 5 session (full day on EBM).
Memang ambik masa and kesabaran both from our side (the adults) and also from the baby.
So my general rule,
- 1st 4 weeks solely on direct feeding
- week 5 and 6 on EBM training session
- week 7 and 8 the baby should be able to adjust naturally already, siang on EBM and mlm direct feeding.
You may ask kalau it is so difficult to introduce bottle, why not introduce awal2? Well my answer would be, kalau nko introduce awal2, the baby might be confused, and worst case baby reject direct feeding. Again, ni depends on baby. The key is to strike balance between direct feeding and EBM from bottle.
As for the correct amount of EBM to give, also depends on baby. My way, aku start giving at 2 oz per session. Why 2 oz? sebab aku follow the guideline kat tin susu (baby 1 mth buat susu FM 2 oz per session) Yeah I know FM tak sama mcm BM, but heh.. that is the closest guideline I can find.
So aku adjust from there..
I read somewhere, how to know that your baby is getting the right amount of milk is, bila baby habis nyusu, there must be balance susu lebih kurang 0.5oz in the bottle. Then, you can be assured that the baby dah betul2 kenyang.
Pasal kalau susu betul2 licin, we wudnt know if baby ni tak cukup susu ke, or betul2 kenyang. Then gradually you should increase 0.5oz per session.
So example, kalau bagi 2 oz, and susu ada balance 0.5 oz, then next feeding u shud stick to 2 oz.
If bagi 2 oz, and susu habis licin, then next feeding u shud increase to 2.5oz. And so on.
Ada paham ka?
Tak paham sila la bertanya aku..
Monday, October 19, 2009
Selamat Hari Raya
sorry, coz been neglecting this blog for quite some time.
truth is busy, and malas, and just seem dono what to write.
yes i am still breastfeeding.. alhamdulillah. sofeya is 15 mths now.
however, my frozen stock dah berkurangan SIGNIFICANTLY. sampai laki aku yg tak pernah perasan berapa byk stok aku pun bleh terkejut tgk..."eh apsal susu u dah sikit?"
like that u know.. dulu sampai melimpah ruah freezer aku..
skang.. siap buleh taruk aiskrim lagi kat tempat yg dulu solely just for susu.
but i have only myself to blame.
-time posa pump 2 x jer...
and MAIN reason is, sometimes, bila aku kuar kejap2.. like gi groceries for 1-2 hrs, aku tak bwk pump. BUT sofeya kat rumah will drink EBM. So once in a while maybe nampak ok.. alahh..sebotol jer..
but i tell u.. one botol after another.. week after week.. and few mths later.. and waddayaknow...tetiba nampak stok susu makin sikit.. WHY? sbb tu lah.. bila ambik susu botol, tak pump & ganti.
so lesson of the day..
ko kuar kejap mana pun, klu dah ambik stok susu, make sure ganti ler... skang ni aku gi tesco ampang yg hanya 6 minit perjalanan tu pun (6 minit klu Mr Photographer bwk ler..) aku pump jugak. (pump dlm keter la.. ko jgn pump time tgh beli sayur tu plak..)
another lesson of the day..
klu agak2 ada perangai malas mcm aku ni.. rajin2 ler buat stok masa dlm pantang. sbb susu masa pantang PALING MEWAH. so klu tetiba dtg angin malas, ada jugak stok nak standby.
tapi lesson paling penting adalah JANGAN MALAS.
Org malas selalu rugi.
Citer lain.
Haritu aku encounter sorang doctor yg cetek ilmu bfeeding. Memula dia puji aku kurus. Aku cakap ler pasal aku bfeed. Pas tu dia bukak ceramah patutnya dah kena campur formula pasal after 1 yr susu ibu dah kurang vitamin & nutrient. Pas tu yg paling aku hangin sekali stmt dia adalah..
"Of course bfeeding is good for you.. you dont get breast cancer, you can slim down but its not good for the baby. U should top up formula...."
So.. indirectly.. the ngok doctor is implying.. AKU NI BFEED SBB SELFISH lah ek?
aku sacrifice my time, effort, my leisure.. etc just nak ensure anak aku dpt breastmilk.. and you say i do it becoz of my own self interest???
nko gilo ke hapo?
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Sakit lah!!!!
Aku dok baca dlm BF forums, klu jadi camni, we can ajar the baby not to gigit. How? Well we can start by saying a stern NO. Then klu buat lagi we can withdraw the breast from the baby, nak tunjuk yg dia buat tu salah.
Aku? Well dah try no, dah try withdraw.. TAK JALAN.
Aku dah terjerit terpekik terlolong SAKIT!!!! Pun TAK JALAN.
Jenuh dah tutup2 breast konon2 tak mau bagi dia nenen klu dia gigit. Jalan la jugak kdg2, but some time later dia gigit jugak.
Few days ago, while pumping, I noticed darah kuar along with the milk. Adeh laaaa… Check2, rupanya ada KESAN GIGIT! Dalam jugak tuh.. ada la dlm 1mm dalam. (1mm is considered dalam and pedih if related to nipples!)
Nak buat mcm mana? Breast dah penuh, takkan tak nak pump? Tahan jer la pedih, but I shortened the pumping session, normally would go until 15 mins, but this time aku buat 10 mins je. Tak tahan beb!
Then after pumping, aku sapu sikit bmilk, anginkan breast for few minutes, baru pakai bra. Few days jugak la aku pumping mcm ni. Klu nyusu direct ok, tak pedih (as long as sofeya tak gigit). Furthermore I read somewhere that air liur baby akan bagi the luka lagi baik cepat.
Skang alhamdulillah dah okay. Tapi ada sket la trauma everytime tgk mulut dia luas nganga get ready nak NGAP
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
The 3 weeks ordeal...
(Leave your email klu tak de access.. seriously aku private blog tu utk org2 tertentu jer..)
I do not wish to elaborate more on it, pasal it breaks my heart everytime i have mental image mcm mana anak aku kat spital, mcm mana dia nangis kesakitan etc...
I took video masa dia kat spital, but i deleted it from my hp, pasal i cannot afford to have any not-so-pleasurable memories about her.
I just want her to be happy, and healthy selalu.
Of course la nak citer pasal susu ibu kan?
Initially time dia sakit, she refused to eat anything. Berhari2 tanak makan. BREASTMILK ONLY.
Sumerang cakap.. nasib baik dia nak menyusu.
Dr kat spital pun cakap.. "u still bfeeding? very good! dia tak nak makan x apa.. give her milk pun dah cukup"
U know, dgn puasanyer.. dgn dia fully on breastmilk... wallauweyy.. mmg dugaan hebat. Tapi, Allah tu Maha Kaya.. even dgn penat, lapar, dahaga, susu aku maintain.. Dah petang2 pun, bila picit, masih memancut2 lagi kuar. Alhamdulillah... rezeki anak aku.
She is 13 mths now... dah lepas half way dah ni.. 11 more mths to go.. buleh kah aku? Insya Allah lah kan.. hopefully boleh susukan dia sampai umo 2 tahun.
Lepas kuar spital dia makin manja and melekat. Klu nak tido mlm mmg kena bergayut dulu. Bergayut plak tu bukan 10-15 minit, kdg2 lebih sejam. Bila cabut, mengagau2 cari balik nenen. Kasik pacifier.. tak mau.. hehhe.
tak per.. gayut lah nak oiii... jgn gigit sudah!
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
What you need
Dah ler baru tukar breastshield, farah pulak baru cakap dia tukar wire pump dia (dah 6 tahun beb.. about time kot hhehh) was thinking takkan bersilih ganti kot aku dgn farah ni kena tukar medela punya spare parts?
Oh tidakkkkkkkkkk
Balik rumah I tried to cocok kat letrik point.. fuhhh.. masih elok ghopenyer… something wrong kat ofis aku ni ha..
So pump aku tarak hal.. alhamdulillah.. (lap peluh kat dahi)
Aku nak cerita sebenarnya ni haa… pasal the 3 most important things that you need kalau nak breastfeed..
1. determination / willpower
2. knowledge
3. support
Determination / Willpower
First and foremost, menatang ni yg nkorang kena ada dulu klu nak breastfeed. Sebab, nak nyusu anak ni bukan benda senang. Especially fulltime working mothers. Semangat mesti ada, and bukan setakat ada, semangat kena KUAT. TABAH. CEKAL.
Like the peribahasa, nak seribu daya, tak nak seribu dalih. Exactly. Kalau ada semangat, semua boleh. Yang susah akan jadi senang. Yang tak pernah buat pun nanti jadi pernah. Make it your LIFE. Your PASSION. Makan minum tido ingat BREASTFEED.
2. Knowledge
Determination alone does not guarantee success. Kalau nak jadi dokter, takat semangat jer lebih, berangan, tengok citer Grey’s Anatomy jer.. sampai bila pun tak buleh jadi dokter kan?
Mcm tu lah jugak breastfeed.. kena ada ILMU. Some may argue that BF comes naturally. I bet org yg cakap mcm ni are the few ones yg LUCKY, yg tak de any of the BF problems. This was my problem dulu, I thought BF comes naturally.. so aku tak der la sibuk2 menggoogle info pasal BF.
Specifically for working mothers, BAAAAANYAAAKKKKK benda korang kena belajar klu betul2 nak berjaya in breastfeeding. My advice is rajin2 lah cari ilmu, rajin2 lah bertanya.
Aku dulu tiap2 hari dok surf susuibu.com. Pas tu hari2 aku dok gasak farah and kamalia with gazillion of questions.. how this, how that, what if this, what if that.. hahah.. sampai kamalia kata dia ni mcm kaunter pertanyaan..muakakakak..
There are courses available.. some are 1 day, some are 3 days.. books, and many more sources of info. Aku pun ader.. tanya lah aku… I am more than happy nak guide korang in breastfeding…
Support ni penting, but not as critical as the above 2 factors. Kalau korang jenis kuat semangat, support ni boleh tolak ke tepi. Org nak kata apa.. biar lah kan? Tapi, with support, semangat kita will definitely jadi lagi kuat..
Paling penting kita kena get support from HUSBAND. Sbb husband org terdekat dgn kita and baby. Kena make him understand the benefits of BF to him, (especially tak yah bangun malam!)
Pas dia dah paham.. support from husband juga penting supaya husband anda akan willingly membelikan breastpump yg mahal dan bagus! Muahahhahaha
Even better if your family (mother, in laws) pun support sama. The key is EDUCATING THEM. I know its not easy. Example… mak aku tak expose sgt pasal exclusive BF, so dia suruh aku bagi baby air masak (baby below 6 mths). Payah kan nak explain kat mak kita pasal why kenot campur air masak.. so senang citer aku just cakap “DOKTER KATA klu exclusive BF tak yah kasik air masak..”
Dahh.. baru mak aku diam.. the magic word is DOKTER KATA.
So… these 3 factors I believe mmg contribute the most towards successful BF. Of course, other stuff mcm time, gadgets, money contributes jugak.
But like I said, kalau nak seribu daya kan?
Monday, August 3, 2009
Finally setelah almost 1 yr berbakti..
Ada jugak parts medele FS ku yg kena ditukar ganti... huhu..
Tapi tak de la major pun..
Last week for few days, bila pump jer rasa pedih kat nipple.. suction as usual, production also alhamdulillah as usual. Tapi kena la tahan pedih.. nak habis 15 minit was like forever. There were times yg aku hesitate nak pump sbb pedih.. tapi ku gagah kan jua misi mengepam demi anak ku yg terchenta! Ewahhh..
So after few days, aku pun belek la pump & the parts.. specifically the softfit breastshield. (the corong yg lekap yg breast).
Owhhhh… ghope ghope nyer the part yg direct contact to the nipple cam dah terhakis.. dunno lah how to describe.. but imagine permukaan kayu.. yg terhakis, the permukaan mcm tak rata… analogy nyer cam tu la with the breast shield, cuma breastshield ni bukan kayu la… ni mcm silicon.. getah dia cam terkeluar sket result from the friction..
Aku nengok sebelah, dah terkeluar.. then check the other breasthield, pun sama kes. So confirm… mmg ler sbb heavy usage ni..
Aku check dgn forum dlm susu ibu.. ada yg kata benda ni common, kena tukar the breasthshield..
Survey2 … call sana sini.. then nasib baik kat lactaequipt ampang ada stok. Sbb klu nak order online.. ada yg sampai 2 minggu nak tunggu. 2 minggu klu.. mmg rabak la nipple aku!
Nak tau berapa rega??
PER PIECE ok.. bukan per pair.. Sib baik nenen ada 2 jer… klu mcm kucing.. nenen ada sampai 6.. mampusss…
And ni only the breastshield. Tak masuk the other parts mcm the cap.. rubber membrane watsoever yg pasang2 gedebak gedebuk tuh…
Aku pun cakap kat Mr Photographer.. NASIB BAIK laki aku ni mmg penyokong kuat susu ibu.. so without hesitation dia pun bwk aku pi lactaequipt hari jumaat lepas abih kerja.
Mmg ler a bit expensive.. tapi bila pk, dgn RM80 tu beli susu formula pun maybe tahan tak sampai 2 minggu kan? Ni beli breastshield baru. Insya Allah bleh tahan nyusu sofeya sampai 2 tahun kan?
Kat lactaequipt, diorang tanya aku.. brapa lama dah pakai? Aku cakap almost 1 year.. they said “whoaaa.. lama tu.. some ppl 3-6 mths dah tukar the breast shield..”
Uikss.. 3-6 mths?? Brapa kali korang pump sehari ni? 8 kali ke?
So hari ni my pumping session berjalan dgn lancar… syiokkk
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Breastfeeding positions
ada cradle hold..
ada football hold
ada nyusu sambil baring
and many more.
masa sofeya baru lahir.. aku biasa nyusu cara cradle hold.. tu jer yg nampak senang (tapi may be payah klu tak biasa mula2). so it was cradle hold all the way for first few mths.. then atas kelenguhan yang amat, and tak cukup tidur (sbb kena bangun duduk nyusu during night), i learned to do the lie down thingy..
mula2 amat ler tak pandai.. takut terhempap baby.. but as they say practice makes perfect.. so after a while i find that baring is the most-est comfortable position for both me and baby.
paling best sbb mlm2 tak payah bangun. baby nangis.. sumbat nenen.. and tidoo...:P
however... now.. i think BF club/organization/watever kena update their knowledge base.. sbb BF position bertambah..well.. how shall i say it... KREATIF? as the baby grows lah of course..
take my koala bear for example..
lying down is still the most preferred position.. however.. dia suka 'mempelbagaikan' position ikut sesedap rasa.. example kalau nak tgk tv, she will sit on my lap, tolak2 badan aku supaya menghala 90 degree kat TV, so sambil nenen she can turn her face and boleh tgk tv...
kalau penat duduk, dia suruh aku baring terlentang and she will lie on top of me, nenen sambil tgk tv again.. and this can last for 1/2 hour.. sampai habis satu episode cartoon la..
camner la aku nak buat keje kat rumah kan?
like my maid said "haihhh..kalau mama ada dirumah mcm tu la.. asyik mengopekkk jer.."
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Sketsa hari ni
Bila kita baru deliver baby, susu yang keluar terhasil dlm bentuk kolostrum. Kolostrum ni, bukanlah byk mcm susu yg kita dok pump hari2 tuh, ber oz-oz, memancut2.
But, kolostrum ni adalah susu awal, yg amat sedikit in kuantiti and pekat.
Like really sikit u know.. i read somewhere klu picit kuar, dlm 1 teaspoon jer dpt. 1 teaspoon tu pun dah mampu mengenyangkan baby for hours. (some say for days.. wallahualam). Coz u know, perut baby masa baru lahir only sebesar kacang. (i think la.. i read somewhere, correct me if i'm wrong, well, maybe beso sket from kacang, coz kacang mcm kecik sgt plak, but i know its really small la the tummy)
So how can such small tummy accomodate large amount of milk?
Allah punya kejadian tu mmg sgt indah. Susu awal2 tu mmg dlm jumlah yg sikit, BUT SANGAT TINGGI khasiat.. sgt sgt tinggi.. susu yg sikit but sgt berkhasiat sesuai utk baby yg masih kecik and sgt fragile..
Kolostrum ni, or some people may think that "susu tak der" or "susu sikit" normally ada for the first few days of delivery..
hence, some ppl (most ppl actually) thinks that susu mula ada only after few days of delivery.. hence, they tend to give formula milk to their babies during that time..
hence, bila no demand, supply pun menurun lah kan?
hence, ppl will think/justify that "ohh.. susu tak byk... kena top up dgn formula"
hence, bye bye breastfeeding!
So, mcm mana nak remedy the situation?
Stimulation is the best remedy.. we may think tak de susu, but believe me (yourself), there WILL BE susu IF baby continuously direct feed from the breast. So the best thing is direct feed as frequent/soon as possible after delivery!
So... sketsa hari ini..
Lebih kurang 2.5 bulan lepas, Mrs Tulip (bukan nama sebenar) yg tgh sarat ngandung bertanya kepada Mrs Korny yg sibuk basuh her pumping gadgets kat pantry..
MT : eh you breastfeed eh? dah berapa bulan your baby?
MK : (sambil senyum2 gatal) dah 9 mths dah..
MT : wahh..good lah u... i pun nak bf my baby nanti.. dah pinjam pump medela fr my fren!
(and she continuously tanya MK dia pump mcm mana.. pump kat mana.. yada yada)
MK pun syok la... sbb alhamdulillah.. makin ramai org interested in bf. Makin sihat la penduduk2 dunia ni kan?
Itu cerita few mths ago...
Pagi ni.. bila Mrs Korny masuk lif, nampak Mrs Tulip masuk lif jugak.. ahhh. dah balik maternity la kot... tapi, dlm hati Mrs Korny tertanya2.. apsal minah ni sempoi jer bwk handbag dtg ofis? dia ni ha jenuh ngangkut beg besau gabak bwk pump & bottles... takkan tak pump kot? hehhh.. tak per.. Mrs Korny tak mau bersangka buruk.. mebbe minah ni tinggal pump kat ofis kot.. maleh nak ngangkut pi ngangkut mai..
So Mrs Korny pun bertanya..
MK : how is your son?
MT : ok lah... tapi i tak byk susu lah.... i pump morning b4 work and after balik fr office... susu i pun keluar after 4th / 5th day.. so dah bagi formula..
aikk.. dia ni mcm tau jer Mrs Korny ni pk apa kan.. elok2 dok tanya pasal anak dia.. pi bukak citer susu plak.. isk isk isk.. kat muka Mrs Korny ni tampal penyokong kuat susu ibu kot kes kes kes...
Mendengar alasan tu.. Mr Korny pun meyabarkan diri agar tidak membuka ceramah pasal kolostrum etc seperti di atas... dia senyum kambing jer sepanjang2 lif tu... ye la.. siapalah Mrs Korny ni kan... sibuk2 nak paksa2 org bf plak...
So question for the day..
Should Mrs Korny sibuk2 ajar org the right thing abt bf or just diam jer? Coz, u know.. tak semua org suka klu org sibuk2 ni kan... kang cop aku eh.. Mrs Korny ni jaga tepi kain org plak.
tapi aku rasa Mrs Korny ni diam jer la kot eh? klu org tanya then jawab la...
gitu ke?
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
It’s been 4 days…
Pumping? Still continued as usual, Cuma bila pump, nowadays Cuma dpt avg dlm 2oz jer per session.. :( mmg sedih.. tapi aku buat bodo jer la.. apa nak buat kan..
That is how bad stress can affect your milk production.
Yang menambahkan teruk lagi, pasal not only pump dpt sikit, direct feed pun kdg2 aku rasa Sofeya tak puas.. sometimes sampai aku rasa breast kering kontang.. I even tot of panaskan my frozen stok utk bagi dia minum mlm2.. huhhu sampai mcm tu skali.. but alhamdulillah belum sampai ke situ lagi la..
Tapi tak per.. let’s put my problem aside..
I mentioned in my previous post pasal not shaking the EBM kan? By shaking i mean mcm goncang botol susu tu.. like whenever we prepare the formula milk, mix the tepung and the water, then shake. haa.. like that kindda shake.
Normally, chilled EBM ni akan divided into 2 layer, top one is the fat, lower is the water. The fat layer, of course, has the richest nutrients. So naturally, bila nak serve the EBM, we wud wanna make sure that all the fat layers (especially yg melekat kat dinding botol) are mixed with the water. And the result, of course lah shaking the bottle kan?
Well i did that lah dulu2.. until i read in susuibu.com, that you CANNOT DO THAT!
Why? because it will destroy all the nutrient in the milk. Reason? eermm.. well i wudn't know how to explain scientifically in detail, tapi from my understanding, is that breast milk punya nutrient are very fragile, that when you shake them, they will become loose, and destroyed.
So alternatively, when u wanna mix the 2 layers (actually bila panaskan, they will eventually mixed), just GENTLY SWIRL the bottle.
Jgn shake2 eh? Rugi jer khasiat susu ibu.
p/s nak dekat posa nieh.. i better kerja keras nak stock up the milk!
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Cough cough..
Kat rumah (baru) pun dah penuh peti ais (baru) aku dgn ubat2. u name it.. all i have.. ubat demam, selsema, cair kahak, ventolin, batuk, sembelit, angin yada yada...
Anyway Dr Khairul said its prob. during this pindah rumah period that she started to cough, due to the habuk.. and with the current haze problem, lagilah tak membantu the coughing..
She even had fever (after 11 mths, ni lah 1st time demam..) last sunday.. like really hot.. and moody all the time.. luckily i was on leave on monday.. so boleh la ensure dia baik btul b4 balik kerja..
Everyone is saying that budak ni demam pasal nak pandai.. which i think maybe true.. pasal later that nite she kindda mengigau cakap "DADDY".. hahahha
And she can respond when you ask her questions like
"Mcm mana bunyi motor daddy?" she will do like "brruummmmm"
"Mcm mana bunyi ayam?" she will say "kokokokokokok"
heheh so comel i tell u...
she can call mama (dah lama.. lupa nak apdate).. and she can call "qishhhhh " when she wants kak balqis to entertain her..
and best thing is now at 11 mths dia dah tumbuh GIGI!! eheh.. sgt comel!
have i mentioned dia sgt comel? :)
but.. but.. somehow dia makin kurang tembam... compared to when she was 5/6 mths.. now mcm dah kurus sket.. i guess she is getting more and more active.. and lately kurang makan sket, i think due to her coughing ni la.. tak per la asalkan susu minum byk kan?
So apa la kena mengena topic budak comel ni dgn susu ibu? heheh panjang btul intro aku...
I just wanted to share.. the routine / my way of giving EBM to her..
Normally, I will give 1 frozen EBM + other chilled EBM to Sofeya in a day, to make sure the frozen stocks are utilized elok2.. u know.. tak de yg expired.. the extra chilled EBM yg tak minum will be frozen, buat tambah stok.
But now.. since the little girl tak sihat, I will make sure to bagi all chilled EBM only (during my absence lah.. klu aku ader direct susu cap gantung la apa lagi), and no frozen. Well, frozen only if chilled EBM tak cukup.
Reason is.. if korang belum tahu :
- susu fresh from nenen is ultimately the BEST!
- chilled EBM is at second place, kurang sket khasiat and antibodi compared to fresh milk from nenen.
- frozen EBM kat 3rd place... paling kurang khasiat and antibodi compared to the previous 2.
that's why.. kena minimize frozen EBM klu buleh, and lebihkan fresh / chilled EBM.
having said the above, even frozen EBM have far far far more nutrient and antibodi than formula milk.
so.. imagine la mcm mana berkhasiatnya susu ibu ni kan?
Sunday, May 31, 2009
8 oz!!!
Yesterday I did not pump at all coz.. alehh.. Sunday kan? Sofeya was with me whole day.. so no need to pump…
However, malam tadi.. felt my breast a bit heavier than usual.. Sofeya pulak menyusu sikit2, main2.. I dunno if any of you ever encounter this..
When the breast is full.. and the baby cam nyusu sikit2.. thus initiating the ‘let down’ phase… then elok2 tengah let down.. she stopped nyusu-ing.. and there you go.. susu keluar mencurah2 non stop…
Aiyohhh.. rugi wooooo susu.. rasa cam nak tadah and simpan jer…
Anyway ni side story jer.. bukan main story for the day…
Since semlm breast a bit heavier.. Sofeya pun dah tidur.. so LOGICALLY what is shud do is PUMP.
Disclaimer.. jgn ikut perangai malas aku!
Angin MALAS KUS KUS sudah dtg.. so aku pun belasah tidur kepenatan
Few time si woke up in the middle of the nite sbb breast sakit and bengkak, still.. aku malas nak pump.. ish ish ishhhh
So finally I just wait till morning and pump time 7.30 am (normal pumping time, luckily breast still full!).. and hasilnya.. LAPAN OZ! wutttttt!!!
I think last time I dpt 8 oz was masa dlm pantang… lepas2 tu paling byk pun 5 oz la..
So apa point aku eh? Ehhe.. panjang sgt la mukadimah..
Since morning I’ve been wondering what da heck I’ve been eating / doing yang menyebabkan susu aku byk..
Bfast – MIL’s nasi lemak (sodap I tell u)
Lunch – 2 x nasik kenduri (dua kali tuuuuuu)
Dinner – Cucur bawang + ikan bilis
There... i think la kan.. nasik contributes the most to my susu..
So… how la want to kurus?
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Tempoh penyimpanan susu
Meh kita tengok the definition dulu.
EBM = Expressed Breast Milk.
Fresh EBM = Susu yg baru diperah
Chilled EBM = Susu dah perah, masuk dlm fridge bhgn sejuk (bukan beku)
Frozen EBM = Susu yg simpan dlm tempat beku.
Below are the general guidelines (and my own way) on storing and handling the above types of EBM :
Disclaimer : Cara yg aku buat might not be suitable to others.. ikut ketahanan perut baby masing2..
Fresh EBM
Room temperature = 4 hours
Air conditioned room = 8 hours
My way = Jarang la aku simpan EBM kat bilik lama2.. lepas pam aku masuk fridge terus…
Note: some people say you have to keep the milk at least dlm 30mins kat room temperature b4 masuk fridge, sbb susu baru perah mcm suam2 sket.. Aku tak ikut sgt, pasal pernah terlupa & end up susu basi.. rugi woooo.. and so far susu aku alhamdulillah ok..
Chilled EBM
Some say tahan dlm 2-3 days (48 hours – 72 hours)
Some say tahan dlm 4-5 hari
Some say it depends on tahap kesejukan fridge nkorang.
Lagi elok klu simpan susu tu kat bahagian paling belakang (paling sejuk)
My way : Not more than 48 hours.. kiranya play safe lah ni.. klu agak2 dah dekat 48 jam..(from time aku perah), aku transfer susu tu masuk freezer plak)
Note : Chilled EBM ni normally akan terbahagi kepada lapisan2.. normally mcm ada 2 lapisan… atas dia bhgn lemak, bwh dia air.. this is perfectly normal, jgn pulak nkorang ingat susu tu basi and buang plak. Wat u need to do, is masa panaskan susu tu, GENTLY SWIRL the bottle to mix the lapisan. (another post on this later.. why we kenot shake EBM)
Frozen EBM
Ini a bit tricky… sebab depends on what type of fridge you have.
Fridge 1 pintu : tahan up to 1 mth
Fridge 2 pintu : tahan up to 3 mths
Deep freezer : tahan up to 6 mths
My way : aku guna fridge 2 pintu, and stok aku pun x de la sampai melimpah ruah sgt, so all my stocks tak pernah lagi exceed 3 mths punya turnover period..
Klu agak2 stok susu byk.. invest la in deep freezer…
There you go..
p/s since now ntah mcm mana ofis aku dah ada access utk update blog, hopefully aku bleh update more frequently lah now :)
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
My pumping routine
Tgh2 mlm pun diorang bangun pump kak oiiiii..
Tabik spring lah!!!
As for me... dulu2 rajin ler aku bangun tgh mlm... but now.. hmmm... angin M.A.L.A.S tu ader gak sket2.. so tgh mlm mmg ilek!
So basically my WAJIB pumping session (on weekdays) are :
7.30 am
10.30 am
1.30 pm
4.30 pm
susu kuar ke, tak kuar ke, sikit ke, banyak ke.. aku pump jugak..
agak2 mcm stok dah kurang.. aku pump lagik during tgh2 mlm..
on days that I am with Sofeya, mmg botol dilarang sama sekali.. dia akan direct feed dgn aku jer. If i hv to go out without her.. aku akan bajet2 la baper lama nak kuar.. if more than 3 hours.. mmg aku angkut pump sekali..
Leceh? idok ler... tak pernah nyer la aku rasa leceh... dah jadi mcm normal routine.. i lap my medela FS!!
U see.. most mothers would go thru 100x this trouble as long as the child gets the best thing in the world.. Sadly.. some mothers don't..
I know some mothers yg adopt the child, tak pernah beranak sendiri pun berusaha nak menyusukan anak.. (yes.. its possible!). however, some mothers yg melahirkan anak sendiri pun ada yg refuse nak menyusukan anak dia..
Nak kata tak pandai.. ilmu ada depan mata.. mcm mana lah boleh tergamak nak menarik hak anak kita? Ini bukan kes tak boleh.. ini kes tak mau...
Ntah la i am lost for words.. klu kes tak boleh, kita boleh ajar.. bagi ilmu.. tapi klu kes tak mau.. buat la apa pun, dia still tak mau jugak..
I pray to God semoga dilembutkan hati para ibu2 utk menyusukan anak sendiri..
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Paed vs Lactation Consultant
Dia dah elok2 post, skalik tgk2.."eh ma.. ni blog yg mana ni?"
aramak.. salah blog la plakkk..
tak pe lah eh?
Aku nak citer pasal pengalaman adik ipar aku. Dia ni pun semangat nak bfeed anak dia 2 x 5 jer mcm aku.. mmg alhamdulillah so far dah 6 bulan lebih masik lagi bfeed, the first 6 mths tu ALMOST exclusive bfeed (sekali dua tak cukup stok kena top up dgn formula, tapi tak per.. semangat tu yg penting kan?)
oh btw nama dia liyana jugek.. heheh..
Makcik ni... masa dia branak, a couple of mths after that baby cam tak naik2 berat... very little la kot the increase in weight tuh.. as usual, org sekeliling will blame it on bfeeding... SUSU TAK CUKUP itu lah yg org akan attack dulu.
Org2 sekeliling tu lain citer la.. org yg tak de ilmu mmg akan sentiasa bercakap..
Yg aku paling hangin sekali kat sorang paed ni. SIL aku bwk anak dia jumpa this paed, nak tgk la apa problem anak dia. Paed ni tanya.."u bfeed? ada top up formula?" She then of course lah answered she is exclusively breastfeeding..
And the paed said (more like ceramah) well.. sket lebih kurang la..
"u aaaaa... u think u can produce milk.. but in actual fact u can't.. u are seksa-ing (some word he used meant something like this..can't remember what) the baby... if in US, i can report u as abusing the child"
cam tu la plak kan... ampeh dot net btul..
ko tu tak de ilmu pasal bfeeding.. or simply tak support bfeeding.. jgn la sampai nak report plak kan?
Part nak repot tu ok lagik.. part yg dia kata tak boleh produce milk tu yg aku tak tahan.. agaknya dia pun membesar berkat susu lembu la gamaknyer... tu pasal perangai mcm lembu wakakakakkakakak
no offense to mothers yg x bfeed.. aku pun tak bfeed my 1st child due to my own stupidity.. but at least i admit it and i learn kan?
so in my SIL punya case.. we asked around few LC.. and they suggested gi jumpa Dr Koe.. this wonderful lady is a pead AND a Lactation Consultant. Susah woo nak carik org mcm ni.
Cut the story short, the problem is with the latching (common la eh?) She even taught my SIL to scheudle effective pumping session, latch properly and gave domperidone (hormone to increase milk supply).
The clinic is at Jalan Klang Lama.. clinic no. 03-79830539.
Dr Koe is super baik. Unlike the 1st paed, Dr Koe langsung tak ungkit pasal anything that could bring down the motivation of a breastfeeding mother..
Now.. anak sedara aku dah nak masuk 7 bulan (benda ni happened when she was 3 mths kot).. dah somel and montel dah budak ni... sama montel dgn anak aku dah..heheh
nanti ada gambo aku post...
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
mimi and kedu
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Milk booster
Bear in mind, result varies upon individuals..
-Lobak putih
-Soya & anything related
-Longan kering
Ni yg generally org dok kata menambahkan susu.. some say when they eat something, tetiba rasa bengkak, susu byk.. mcm kacang peas.
My case, klu aku makan nasik byk.. susu aku byk.. hehehehhuahuahuahah.. hmmpphh.. camno nak kurus?
and another new discovery of mine... KOPI RADIX. menda ni aku baca dlm susuibu.com. minah ni minum KR ni and susu dia byk.. kebetulan 2 hari lepas aku pi rumah kak ani, dia jamu KR ni... aku pun minum, and mlm tu... tamtadadammmmmmm.... susu aku melimpah ruah... bengkak susu yg dah lama aku tak rasa kembali menjelma! yeahaaaa!!
maka aku pun mengorder satu kotak.. and mlm tadi minum b4 tido, and tamtadadammmmm.. pagi tadi hasil perahan meningkat 75% dari biasa..
Monday, April 20, 2009
It is so frustrating
apa nak buat.. dah keje bank.. sumer tak leh access....
anyway another frustration of mine is related to breasfeeding of course.
to all my breastfeeding frens out there... korang ada rasa tak mcm sibuk nak influence sume org supaya derang BF jugak?
I dunno abt others... but i have the feeling. i want people to BF jugak, i want them to know BF is simply the best. i want to educate them with watever knowledge yg aku ada. i want to change their mind set about BF. i want to clear their mind from all the myths about BF.
ada lah a few kawan2 and family yg berjaya BF. :) happynyer aku.
not like aku dpt duit ke apa ke kan...
but im just happy...
bila ada org2 yg skeptikal abt BF ni.. bila aku tried to intro / educate / persuade pasal BF, especially pregnant mothers.. and diorang awal2 kindda dah say NO to BF... aku jadik FRUST ya amat...
sedih pun ada...
awal2 dah pk susu apa nak bagi kat anak..
susu sendiri kan ada? jauh lebih berkhasiat plak tuh....
why la u people dowan to listen???
Friday, February 20, 2009
7 months
Sofeya pun dah 7 bulan lebih.
She has started solid food at 6 mths old.
I started with Nestle rice cereal.. mixed with EBM. Mula2 tu makan jugak.. but 80% of the food goes to the baju, pipi, tangan and baju mama dia.. heheh
Lama2 getting better... now dah 7 mths, i started preparing bubur every morning for her.
Previously i tried bubur + carrot + serbuk ikan bilis (goreng without minyak, blend halus). but she dowan... siap paling2 muka tak mo makan.. i figured out maybe dia still belum ready utk rasa lain.. still nak rasa manis2 mcm EBM..
So i prepared bubur nasi + kurma, blend.. and bila nak makan campur dgn EBM. my oh my... dia suka sgt.. every serving gerenti licin!! and sometimes menjerit mintak lagi...
next week nak try campur dgn sayur in addition of kurma plak.. kasik variety sket..
Breatsfeeding has been marvellous.. ups and downs tu biasalah kot.
After 7 mths, finally my period dtg.. apart from the sakit-yg-tak-terdescribe.. my production also dropped. Betulla apa org cakap.. bila period.. susu mmg merudum. All these while aku dok komplem susu merudum, kenot compare to the merudum-ness bila period.
Yg bestnyer.. abih jer period.. susu magically increased! from 2 oz each session suring period.. now dah dpt dlm 5-6oz.. interesting eh?
Saturday, January 3, 2009
My MEDELA FREESTYLE dah sampai!!!
After 5 loooooooong months of waiting
After 5 long months of pumping manually (sampai tgn aku tergeliat okayyy)
After 5 long months of penat lelah sakit tgn sakit leher
After 5 long months of non stop komplen day in day out
Introducing the arrival of my new best fren....

tehehehehehhe... sila jeles ye... muahahhaha
Well anyway... here is my review on the pump..

In terms of bunyi.. pada aku Freestyle ni senyap sket compared to PISA. Mebbe becoz motor PISA is bigger, thus the louder motor noise. Freestyle ni bunyi dia I think comes from the vibration of the motor je.. mmg tak bising langsung.
Suction wise.. sama jer pada aku. Some people komen yg suction Freestyle kurang power klu compared to PISA, but to me tak de beza sgt. Sedappp jer aku pakai..
Lain2 comparison tu obviously Freestyle lah menang. Like the breastshield, and apa menatang nama lagi yg aku tak khatam... the size are more compact and smaller.. senang and pack masuk bag.
Pump pun canggih woooo.. ada display timer lagikkk... bleh set memory button. Of course, paling aku suka, the compact and the small size. comeyyy...
Finally.. of course the HANDS FREE punya feature... well to tell the truth, aku blum try lagik menatang nih... nanti kang dah try kita citer eh....
So klu ada yg berkenan di hati nak fikir2 beli ke tak ke.. i tell you its worth the investment. Dun think too much.. just buy!
All pics taken from www.medelafreestyle.com