Sunday, October 25, 2009

What lies beneath

We were on our way back from Low Yat when Mr Photographer (my husband) asked me the question "apesal susu u makin sikit? naper dulu u kerap pump, sekarang x kerap dah? dulu u asal ada time jer u pump...  u yg cakap kat i makin kerap pump makin byk susu"

Ambik nko soklan bertubi2.

Memula i thought my stock berkurang because aku dok ambik sikit2 and tak ganti balik stock.
Then i thought deeper, and here is the answer that i wanna share.

Like i said in previous post, breastfeeding memerlukan semangat and also willpower yang kuat. Bukan takat nak start and also master in it, but most importantly to sustain in this field.

I dunno about other mommies, but i have my ups and downs. Not in terms of milk supply, but my semangat and willpower.

The truth is people, sometimes i feel tired. I never tot i would say this openly but i guess i need to let it out. Plus, aku bukan nak menakutkan korang or discourage or demotivate korang to breastfeed. No.. not in a million years. Cuma i think you need to know the whole truth, yg elok ke, yang tak elok ke, so that you can prepare yourself emotionally and mentally.

Memang memenatkan. And sometimes uncomfortable, and sometimes menyakitkan.

Dulu aku pump MINIMUM 5 kali sehari.
7.30 am, 10.30 am, 1.30pm, 4.30pm and 8.30pm.

There are times yang aku bangun tgh2 mlm nak pump pasal sofeya tidur lena tak bangun nyusu.

Then as she grows up, she nurses more frequently especially tgh2 mlm. Her perangai berubah, bukan takat nak nyusu, but she also wants to bergayut mlm. So i cut down the midnite pumping session.

Then she grows up lagi, and tidur lewat sket mlm. I find it impossible to pump at 8.30pm coz time tu la dia nak main, nak nenen etc. So i cut down that pump session.

Then makin dia besar, dah makan solid, demand for susu pun not as much. So, beralasankan itu, plus aku sendiri kepenatan terkejar2 pagi2 nak siap itu ini, i cut down pulak 7.30am punya session.

Now, tinggal 3 pumping session yg aku masih buat kat ofis.

And sometimes i force myself to pump.

Terukkan aku?

So yeah.. my susu berkurang sebab sikap aku sendiri.

I'm not complaining, coz i know, susah payah, usaha aku ni tak sia2. I get the benefit, anak2 aku pun sihat, plus, setiap titik susu tu kan Allah berikan pahala?

Byk cara nak remedy the situation sebenarnya... like..
- remind yourself of the benefits
- talk to rakan seperjuangan
- read abt it.. masukla baca forum, mesti semangat balik.

Farah.. tolongla ketuk kepala aku kasik sedar sikit!


FBI said...

normal la tu konot... aku pun ada rasa penat gak... we r only human but robot, x bleh lari la ;) teruskan le selagi larat tuh...
1 1/2 years dah okay dah pada aku tuh.. heheh.. mmg by that time, we tend to rasa x larat.. aku pun camtu gak... by that time, aku dah start intro formula, at least 1/2 feed each day.

Norliana Abdul Rahman said...

oh really??? ko dah start intro formula by 1.5 yrs eh? i tot dulu dgn adam ko mmg fully bfeed sampai 2.5 tahun?

ke kena intro jugak sbb takut by 2 yrs nanti dia tak mo accept formula langsung? mcm anak sedara aku aishah tuh.. mak dia mmg direct feed jer sampai 3 tahun, lepas tu mmg haram tak mo langsung botol.. so after 3 yrs tu mmg tak minum susu langsung!

liadevega said...

Ni experience aku pulak Konot. I remember dulu hang byk refer kat aku pasal bfeeding but then u became the master yrself, at times better than me.

I learnt that bfeeding is about honesty. I always ask this question in my head... am I continuing bfeeding my toddler exclusively because I believe he gets much better from my milk than any other food or because I am egoistic to maintain that status quo 'fully breastfed my child'?

Mula2 the first answer seems more superior, tp bila susu aku makin sikit and he became more active and demand more food...I have to let my ego down.

Takpela...asal anak aku sihat, bfeed or not doesn't matter anymore.

Another thing, I also taught myself to not look down on other mothers who don't bfeed their child. If I bfeed my own, that doens't mean I'm better than them.

Now, I'm taking a break before starting it all over again...sigh...tak abis penat lagi rasanya.

Norliana Abdul Rahman said...

lia, yes you are so correct lah.. aku pun wondering the same thing.

but so far, selagi aku mampu nak produce susu, selagi tu aku bagi breastmilk kat dia.

cuma aku tak nak stop just because sikap aku sendiri yg malas.. i want it to be, if i have to stop.. then it is becoz mmg betul2 susu aku merudum, or aku pregnant ke (like yr case) or anything else yg mmg beyond my control.

ni klu stop sbb aku sendiri malas, terkilan sgt rasanya...

i hv to admit at times mmg aku ada rasa that ego sket.. thats why aku ada sikit2 catu the susu, example klu aku kuar sat2.. aku habaq awai2 kat maid.. jgn panaskan susu.. aku balik kejap lagi.

but now, aku tak kisah sgt.. kuar sat pun, klu sofeya nak susu, then by all means ambik jer la stok.

tak gunala klu nak the best for the baby, tapi dok catu sana sini..

FBI said...

kena intro dulu babe... mmg susah nak wean off... adam dulu mmg susah sgttt.. sebab tue for alia... aku start intro awal sket... ye la lia... at least kita bfeed kan... we have the experience and bonding.. tu yg priceless!!

toughcookie said...

it is memenatkan. sangat dan amat memenatkan. tapi dear, at least you managed to do it way past 15 months and still counting... this is much better than most mommies can afford to do. nothing wrong with this... don't be too hard on yourself. kalau orang criticise, they don't live your life. kalau kita penat complain2 pun tak guna sebab susu yang kita bagi baby pun macam tak ikhlas. just have faith that at least you did your part much longer than many other moms and you are giving a much better nutrition to sofeya after this. don't worry, ya.