Wednesday, May 27, 2009

My pumping routine

Aku ni tak der la rajin norr nak pump... like some mothers, especially yg exclusively pumping (ni kes baby reject direct bfeed). I know some of them religiously pump at least 8 times daily, i.e. every 3 hours.

Tgh2 mlm pun diorang bangun pump kak oiiiii..

Tabik spring lah!!!

As for me... dulu2 rajin ler aku bangun tgh mlm... but now.. hmmm... angin M.A.L.A.S tu ader gak sket2.. so tgh mlm mmg ilek!

So basically my WAJIB pumping session (on weekdays) are :

7.30 am
10.30 am
1.30 pm
4.30 pm

susu kuar ke, tak kuar ke, sikit ke, banyak ke.. aku pump jugak..

agak2 mcm stok dah kurang.. aku pump lagik during tgh2 mlm..

on days that I am with Sofeya, mmg botol dilarang sama sekali.. dia akan direct feed dgn aku jer. If i hv to go out without her.. aku akan bajet2 la baper lama nak kuar.. if more than 3 hours.. mmg aku angkut pump sekali..

Leceh? idok ler... tak pernah nyer la aku rasa leceh... dah jadi mcm normal routine.. i lap my medela FS!!

U see.. most mothers would go thru 100x this trouble as long as the child gets the best thing in the world.. Sadly.. some mothers don't..

I know some mothers yg adopt the child, tak pernah beranak sendiri pun berusaha nak menyusukan anak.. (yes.. its possible!). however, some mothers yg melahirkan anak sendiri pun ada yg refuse nak menyusukan anak dia..

Nak kata tak pandai.. ilmu ada depan mata.. mcm mana lah boleh tergamak nak menarik hak anak kita? Ini bukan kes tak boleh.. ini kes tak mau...

Ntah la i am lost for words.. klu kes tak boleh, kita boleh ajar.. bagi ilmu.. tapi klu kes tak mau.. buat la apa pun, dia still tak mau jugak..

I pray to God semoga dilembutkan hati para ibu2 utk menyusukan anak sendiri..


Anonymous said...

i have a friend yang tak mahu menyusu anak because dia terlebih terpelajar. to her the formula ada lebih nutrition than a mother's milk because our diet does not give proper nutrition to our baby. to her, formula has all the nutrients except for that antibody... and her doctor even said that formula nowadays are as good as breastmilk since it contains dha and whatever not. imagine, kalau your doctor tell you that.

she is a firm believer in formula since her babies do not get ill as often as other babies when sent to the nursery. therefore, she would tell her friends that.

if you see her children, you would never think she never fed her babies breastmilk because they are so healthy and extremely close to her.

Norliana Abdul Rahman said...

dear anon -
well.. benda ni subjective.. even bfed babies pun ada yang sakit.. bfeeding is not a 100% guarantee that the baby wont fall sick. but i truly believe that given everything else the same, a bfed baby is healthier than formula fed baby.

another point, sometimes the benefit tu tak nampak sekarang.. but later in life then we can see.. byk health problems in adults mcm obesity etc, tu semua can be minimized if you get the best start in life!

liadevega said...

aku tak setuju betul la bila org kata formula is as good as breastmilk, if not better. come on...since when human can make things as good as their Creator?

Norliana Abdul Rahman said...

lia - couldn't agree more... another point i forgot.. you wont be able to find a formula milk that does not print "SUSU IBU ADALAH YG TERBAIK UTK BAYI"

itu jer dah sah2 indicate mahal cemaner pun formula, bagus cemaner pun... nenen jugak yg bagus!

Nuyui said...

Salute to Susu Cap Gantung. hehe : )

Oh, here's a link from a friend's BF-ing journey:

Norliana Abdul Rahman said...

nuyui.. yeous susu cap gantung is the best!

Norliana Abdul Rahman said...

nuyui.. yeous susu cap gantung is the best!