Thursday, May 28, 2009

Tempoh penyimpanan susu

Nak share about my practice in handling my EBM (frozen and also chilled).

Meh kita tengok the definition dulu.

EBM = Expressed Breast Milk.
Fresh EBM = Susu yg baru diperah
Chilled EBM = Susu dah perah, masuk dlm fridge bhgn sejuk (bukan beku)
Frozen EBM = Susu yg simpan dlm tempat beku.

Below are the general guidelines (and my own way) on storing and handling the above types of EBM :

Disclaimer : Cara yg aku buat might not be suitable to others.. ikut ketahanan perut baby masing2..

Fresh EBM
Room temperature = 4 hours
Air conditioned room = 8 hours
My way = Jarang la aku simpan EBM kat bilik lama2.. lepas pam aku masuk fridge terus…

Note: some people say you have to keep the milk at least dlm 30mins kat room temperature b4 masuk fridge, sbb susu baru perah mcm suam2 sket.. Aku tak ikut sgt, pasal pernah terlupa & end up susu basi.. rugi woooo.. and so far susu aku alhamdulillah ok..

Chilled EBM
Some say tahan dlm 2-3 days (48 hours – 72 hours)
Some say tahan dlm 4-5 hari
Some say it depends on tahap kesejukan fridge nkorang.
Lagi elok klu simpan susu tu kat bahagian paling belakang (paling sejuk)

My way : Not more than 48 hours.. kiranya play safe lah ni.. klu agak2 dah dekat 48 jam..(from time aku perah), aku transfer susu tu masuk freezer plak)

Note : Chilled EBM ni normally akan terbahagi kepada lapisan2.. normally mcm ada 2 lapisan… atas dia bhgn lemak, bwh dia air.. this is perfectly normal, jgn pulak nkorang ingat susu tu basi and buang plak. Wat u need to do, is masa panaskan susu tu, GENTLY SWIRL the bottle to mix the lapisan. (another post on this later.. why we kenot shake EBM)

Frozen EBM
Ini a bit tricky… sebab depends on what type of fridge you have.

Fridge 1 pintu : tahan up to 1 mth
Fridge 2 pintu : tahan up to 3 mths
Deep freezer : tahan up to 6 mths

My way : aku guna fridge 2 pintu, and stok aku pun x de la sampai melimpah ruah sgt, so all my stocks tak pernah lagi exceed 3 mths punya turnover period..

Klu agak2 stok susu byk.. invest la in deep freezer…

There you go..

p/s since now ntah mcm mana ofis aku dah ada access utk update blog, hopefully aku bleh update more frequently lah now :)


toughcookie said...

hi konot,
thanks for leaving a comment on my blog. i truly enjoy reading your thoughts in here especially on breastfeeding. do you mind if i link you?

Norliana Abdul Rahman said...

halo toughcookie..

dun mind at all.. sila lah link.. i pun suka baca your blog... your baby sgt comeyyyyy... hope you dun mind if i link you as well..